AirBorrn Aviation Services LLC Hangar #72
Mariposa/Yosemite Airport (KMPI)
OFFICE PHONE: 209-966-2143
Business / Seasonal Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
CTAF: 122.7
AWOS: 135.6 / 209-966-2912
Current Fuel Prices - Truck Service Only:
-100LL Avgas: $5.199/USG
-Jet-A: $5.299/USG
-Jet-A with additive $5.549/USG
Current Weather NWS

We offer & provide full service fuel truck ONLY fueling: 100LL Avgas o/wing and JetA o/wing & single point refueling.
Please text or call ahead for truck service.
For all airport operations inquiries, including 24 hr. self service fuel, please contact the County of Mariposa.
PH: 209-966-5497

Yosemite National Park Information
Intoductory Flights Make a Great Gift!
Gift Certificates Available, Call today!
Introductory Flight Includes
60 Minutes Flight and 60 Minutes of Ground Instruction
Cessna 172
Mariposa $285.00*
Complimentary starter pilot logbook to record your first ground & flight lesson as a pilot.
One hour of ground instruction with a CFI explaining the details of your first flight lesson before the flight.
Discovering first and foremost that SAFETY is always our #1 priority while having some fun!
Climb aboard and take hold of flight! During your 1 hour flight you will assist your CFI manipulating control of the aircraft. Your flight starts with a preflight inspection, start up, taxi, takeoff, the four basic fundamentals: (climbs, turns, straight & level, descents), approach, landing, and securing the aircraft postflight. A lot to take in, but exhilarating!
Contact Us Below to book your First Flight today!!!
*Flights over 60 minutes will incur additional fees.