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AirBorrn Aviation Services LLC Hangar #72
Mariposa/Yosemite Airport (KMPI)
OFFICE PHONE: 209-966-2143
Business / Seasonal Hours: Mon-Fri 10am-4pm
CTAF: 122.7
AWOS: 135.6 / 209-966-2912
Current Fuel Prices - Truck Service Only:
-100LL Avgas: $5.199/USG
-Jet-A: $5.299/USG
-Jet-A with additive $5.549/USG
Current Weather NWS

We offer & provide full service fuel truck ONLY fueling: 100LL Avgas o/wing and JetA o/wing & single point refueling.
Please text or call ahead for truck service.
For all airport operations inquiries, including 24 hr. self service fuel, please contact the County of Mariposa.
PH: 209-966-5497

Yosemite National Park Information
Aerial Photography
Airborrn Aviation Services offers flights for experienced photographers, journalists and amateurs alike for a variety of photo missions.
We also offer aerial surveys, real estate and other special photographic missions. For booking purposes we will need to know in advance what areas you would like to photograph.
Spectacular scenes await your camera's lens.
$285.00 per hour
Minimum flight time of 1 hour is required
CONTACT US for details!
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